# Architecture
# Software stack
# Backend
- Python 3.8
- Django 3
- Redis 6
# Frontend
- Vue 3 w/ TypeScript using Vue CLI or Vite
- Tailwind CSS
# Opinionated Devtools
- VS Code
- Docker
# Devops
- GitLab
- Docker
- Traefik
- Netlify (main frontend)
- Vercel (docs)
# Code Organization
# Backend packags
- core
- events
- dj
- chat
- requests
- songs
- users
- statistics
- money
- admin
# Third-party Packages
- django-taggit (opens new window) for tagging
- django-anymail (opens new window) for emails
- django-friendship (opens new window) for managing friendships and blocks
- django-rest-framework (opens new window) for the API